
- Understand system capabilities and limitations - Make informed decisions - Improve communications with information technology professionals

Systems Analyst

- Conduct surveys, determine feasibility and define and document user requirements - Specify computer systems to meet application requirements

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

Input-Process-Output Model (IPO)

- Input: keyboard, mouse, scanner, punch cards
- Processing: CPU executes the computer program
- Output: monitor, printer, fax machine
- Storage: hard drive, optical media, diskettes, magnetic tape

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Early History

- 1642: Blaise Pascal invents a calculating machine - 1801: Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom that uses punch cards - 1800’s : Charles Babbage attempts to build an analytical engine (mechanical computer), Augusta Ada Byron develops many of the fundamental concepts of programming, George Boole invents Boolean logic. - 1937: Mark I is built (Aiken, Harvard University, IBM) : First electronic computer using relays. - 1939: ABC is built : First fully electronic digital computer. Used vacuum tubes. - 1943-46: ENIAC (Mauchly, Eckert, University of Pennsylvania) : First general purpose digital computer. - 1945: Von Neumann architecture proposed : Still the standard for present day computers. - 1947: Creation of transistor : (Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain, Bell Labs). - 1951: UNIVAC First commercially available computer. Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons 3rd Edition, Irv Englander John Wiley and Sons Ó2003 Wilson Wong, Bentley College Linda Senne, Bentley College